
Qualifications and Accreditations

  • Change Management (Louvain School of Management)

  • Insights Discovery

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Lego Serious Play

  • Organization & Relationship Systems (ORSC) (CRR Global)

  • Master in Communication Management (EADA Barcelona)

  • Certificate in Sales Management (IESE, Barcelona)

  • Certificate in Marketing management & Leadership (ESADE, Barcelona)

  • Bachelor in Biological Sciences   

    Specialized in Biochemistry and Microbiology (University of Barcelona)

Professional experience

Originally from Barcelona, Spain, Patricia is a Self-starter, creative, flexible and positive thinker with an international mind-set, since she lived in different countries like U.S., Denmark and Belgium.

For more than 18 years, Patricia worked in Sales and Marketing (in the USA and Europe) for Pharmaceutical and Web Developer Companies. She then decided to shift gears to reorient her professional life and live more in harmony with her personal values. She became a Professional Coach and Trainer.

Her passion is unlocking a person’s or a team’s potential to maximize their own performance.

Patricia is specialized in leadership, emotional intelligence, change management, time management, sales excellence, communication and assertiveness, motivation, handling conflict, individual coaching and team coaching.

She also acts as a Keynote speaker and lecturer for Business Schools like EU Business School (Spain), ESADE (Spain), ICHEC (Brussels), Forum JUMP and Woman’s Academy (Brussels).

Patricia holds a University degree in Biology (Universidad de Barcelona) with a specialization in Biochemistry and Microbiology, a Master in Communication Management and is an ICF certified coach.